So far 2 for today. 1 mile barefoot, which was pretty comfortable in most respects (no dog). 9:30 pace (I wasn't looking at my Garmin, usually I try not to go below 10:00 on an easy run.)
1 more with the pooch in shoes at 10:40 pace, and my right knee started to really bug me. It is the same kind of bugging that I have had within 2 weeks of most of my races. Feels like referred pain, not a real injury, but it still does hurt and causes a limp. I am going to try to scrape the heck out of my quads and gluts with (don't tell Josse) the back of a butter knife and see if that helps. He he he. Don't slay me, it feels exactly the same!
I've decided not to register for the St. George Marathon this year. Sasha's advice was to wait until I could run a half in 1:50:00. He said that with 3 months of solid, uninterrupted training, I could probably do it on a favorable course. But to me 3 months of perfect training seems a little out of reach at this point. Maybe next year. I am perfectly happy to focus on the shorter distances for another season. Well, not perfectly happy, but happy enough. (BTW don't bother leaving me a comment that I should just chuck Sasha's advice, because I won't. As far as I'm concerned he is practically psychic when it comes to all things running.)
Update: 1.1 miles after scraping, barefoot, 10:30 pace. Knee felt very good! And there was much rejoicing...yea.
1.15 a little later, still barefoot. I am beginning to really not trust my shoes. Tomorrow I've gotta go try on new shoes. 10 miles planned for tomorrow. If I get them in, all the credit goes to Adam for the swift kick. : )