I had a nice easy run watching how big the river's getting. Today was the smiling senior phenomenon. Usually they all hate me because of the dogs. People with nothing but time on their hands are really fond of socially enforcing traffic rules...all of them. And they will yell at you at 6:00 a.m.-- when there is no one else on the trail but you and them-- in loud voices for you to read the trail sign if you are not on the right side of the trail, come upon them too quickly from behind, fail to warn them you when are passing, or if your dogs are unleashed (even when they are somewhat obedient to heal). I've even had them ask out loud where my kid's helment is while riding by. Why do they all yell at me? I don't know. But today, they were all sweet and smiling. Which is such a relief, because I do so hate having to yell at them to go back to their nursing homes. :) |