It was another fun run this year in the 4th annual Steven Abraham Lincoln Ambercrombie and Finch Hooper Annual 4th of July Run. Met up with the guys at 4:00 this morning. Norah didn't sleep well last night so I was really tired this morning. We hurried up to the Enterprise Resorvior and got started. It was a cool 49 degrees which was a nice relief from all of the hot mornings in St. George. Started out with Dave, James, Steve, Dustin, and Bill. We kept it nice and easy for the first little bit and then slowly picked up the pace. It sure is different running at 6000 ft. elevation right from the get go.
James and I took the first couple hills together. Their is something about a good hill climb to make me want to vomit. I ran with Steve for a little bit and while he stopped to get some water, Dave and I took off. Dave wasn't feeling great so I knew I was going to be running the last little bit by myself. I really wanted to finish strong for the last 5 miles. I hit 5:46, 5:31, 5:39, 5:34, 5:32, and 5:28 (.30 miles) for the last part of the run. It was tricky with the terrain at times because it is a dirt road. It was a little slippery at times and I really didn't want to fall over on my face. I survived and was happy with the run. Ended with sitting in the cold river with the rest of the guys. It felt great on the body but I don't remember it being that cold ever before. Fun way to start the day. I came home and took a long nap and will get ready for all the running families to come over for a BBQ later today. It should be fun.