Not a PR, but it's my second best half marathon ever. The sun was out and blasting this morning. Hot and humid conditions made this race very challenging (can't wait until fall!).
The first two miles had a couple of rolling hills (Mile 1-7:02. Mile 2-6:53). Then we headed downhill for two miles (Mile 3-6:35. Mile 4-6:05). These downhill miles look fast - but they were even effort level with the first two.
Miles 5 through 10 were flat along the harbor. Most of it straight into the sun. Baking! I kept most of these miles at 7:00, but in mile 10 I started getting really hot. So I backed off a little bit - especially because I knew the 2 mile hill was coming.
10 mi = 7:07
So began the two mile climb. I stopped looking at my watch. There were tons of people cheering the runners on in these miles, but it didn't help me. I got passed by a female runner on the hill. Tried to stay with her for a while but I let her go. I should have stayed!!
12 mi = 7:28
13 mi = 7:50
Once the course flattened out, I tried to immediately lengthen my stride and get back to race pace. There was a nice downhill for the last 0.2 or so to the finish.
Hopefully, this is the last hot race of the year for me. Cool fall weather, please come soon!!
