a.m. tempo run with Elizabeth on OB bike path (no owls today). 9 miles total with 4 miles of tempo progression 7, 6:50, 6:45, 6:30. Felt pretty easy today. Great workout. Calf a little sore from ART yesterday.
p.m. gym. Core / legs with Brandon. Reverse decline curls,very small decline crunch + twists, bosu ball/swiss ball front plank, bosu ball side plank, hanging leg lifts + twists, lower back leg lift on swiss ball, step ups, front squat, wall squat, one leg squat on unstable thingy, swiss ball leg curls, one leg dead lift on unstable thingy, side squats w/ slide thingy, mountain climber action on slide thingy (2 or 3 of each)