AM- 5 miles out towards Naples, then looping around home of bit. 8:02 average.
PM- 10k commute from Aggie. 7:31 average. I was positive that my blood sugars were really good on this run, but sadly when I got home they were above 400mg/dl. Speaking of which, I know that my easy paces would be considerably faster, if I could get my blood sugar down on my runs, but it seems as though the majority of the time they just stay really high when I go running. I am guessing that most, if not all, of the runners on this blog don't know what running with high blood sugars feel like. Running with high blood sugars involves a lot of fatigue, leg cramping, and sometimes heavy breathing when the blood sugar levels are extremely high. I am not trying to reach out for simpathy or anything like that, but I need to figure out ways to keep my BG down on my runs, because it really effects my overall performance. Anyways long post, but both of my runs felt pretty good today considering the high BG's.