AM- 2 mile shakeout on the treadmill. Endo appointment today in Salt Lake for a diabetes checkup. Also running a 5k in South Jordan later tonight, which should be fun!
PM- Ran a 5k tonight after my diabetes appointment. The race started at about 7 pm, and I my legs were feeling pretty fresh tonight, but I wasn't sure how well my breathing would hold up with my low iron levels. Did a mile warmup, then did a few strides and some drills. Went out too quick, at about 5:30 pace. This was a mistake, because it more than likely made my breathing worse. 6:25 first mile. Legs were feeling pretty good, but my breathing was definitely suffering after that first mile split. Slowed down quite a bit for the second mile in 7:00. Interestingly, I was somewhat able to break through some of my shortness of breath in the last mile and focus on a pace somewhere around 6:40-6:45. This 5k was short, being about 2.7. 2 mile cooldown afterwards on the Jordan River Parkway Trail. Just going to continue watching how I feel when I push the pace, and try to make some good progress!