So, this run didn't start off to be much. But it turned into something better than expected. Monday I found a leaf raking muscle in my right hamstring area. It's been very sore. I rolled it out during Biggest Loser on Tuesday, and it was still sore Wed. I figured it would curtail my run a bit. Furthermore, it was my daughter's b-day, plus Court of Honor, etc... so by the time run came around, I thought it would end up a half-a$$ed effort. I checked my training plan, and saw an 11 miler with 6 miles at 6:44 on tap. Oh joy. I got on and warmed up slow for 2. I decided to split the fast miles into 2 threes. But instead of wimping out, I kept going and did them straight through. The cooldown was nice. I enjoyed one of my 40 cent purple powerades, and ran an extra mile for good measure. One thing I love about running is it shows me I can do more than I think I can. It may not always be wise, and you have to pick your spots, but there is better than we think inside of us. Without running, I would never get a chance to tap into this hidden reserve. This run was brought to you in part by La hacienda, sour patch kid watermelons, powerade and "24" season 2.