Big race today. We warmed up and I felt pretty good, but I could tell I was just too stressed out about the race, and I wasn't there mentally. I tried to loosen up a little bit and take the pressure off a little bit but I don't think I ever did. Well, the race started and I got out good, and I settled in like I normally do, but I quickly learned that you can't settle that soon in a big race like this one. I got shuffled further back and got separated from Jaiden and Spencer early which wasn't good. That was pretty much the story for our team this race. We couldn't run as a pack, which is definitely our strength and why we've done so well all season. We took 4th, which still gives us the chance of an at large berth, so fingers crossed. Not our best race of the season, but definitely a learning experience. I know they'll be back next year better and with more experience. Proud of our team and what we were able to accomplish this season, even if it didn't end the way we were hoping.