3 miles in the morning to the bridge.
First meet of the season in Hurricane today. Super windy when we got there and it never really died down. I was doing the 800 and the 4x400, but we decided to scratch the 4x400 because the meet was going pretty slow and we didn't want to stay that long. I sat around for a bit then watched the 1600. After they got done, Coach told me to just go do the workout with them right now, I might as well because I wasn't going to race for another 2 hours. The workout wasn't anything really hard, just 2 miles at sort of an up-tempo pace, nothing way fast. Before my race I did anothe 2 mile warm up and some strides. The race went alright. The pace went out pretty slow, and I tried to make my move on the back stretch of the 2nd lap but got slammed by the wind, so I sat for another 100m and kicked the last 200m and finished in 2nd. I don't know what my time was, but I wasn't really concerned about running a fast time today considering the conditions, I just wanted to run for place. Hopefully it's not as windy when we go back in a couple weeks. Cooled down 2 miles afterwards.