3 easy in the morning to the bridge.
In the afternoon, we were about to leave the high school to head to the region course, but it started raining and there was lightning in the area, so we had to stay inside. I HATE RUNNING INSIDE. I will never live in a place where you have to run on an indoor track in the winter. We jogged around inside for a little over 20 minutes before the storm blew over and we were able to head over to the course. We warmed up about another .5 mile before starting the second 2 mile time trial of the year. Last time was about 3 weeks ago, and I ran 11:15. I felt pretty good today, and we had a little cloud cover, although it was so dang humid from the rain before. I just focused on staying relaxed, and planned on speeding up towards the end. Well I stayed relaxed and led the whole 2 miles with Josh, and we were 10:51 according to my watch, so not too bad for how relaxed I felt, and a pretty good improvement from last time.