7 miles - 7:17 average - 2 miles at marathon pace in the middle.
This was an odd run for me. I didn't really ever feel in a good groove, but decided to just run two at marathon pace in the middle anyway (6:26 and 6;29). I still am planning on a tempo run later in the week with John, but I just wanted to log a couple quicker miles today.
During the two at MP I felt like I was sucking wind the entire time. My legs felt great, but I felt like I couldn't catch my breath. Who knows what was going on. Isn't there something crazy that can happen with the barometric pressure when a storm is coming that causes a lack of oxygen? Totally joking, but those were really my thoughts when I was running the 2 miles at MP! And here is a little proof to back it up - http://www.rotech.com/respiratory/forms_docs/BEWeather.pdf