12 wins, 5 CR's, plus four 2nd, five 3rd, 4th, 4th, 5th, 5th, 9th, 16th, 20th, 28th, 38th, and 62nd place, with 1 DNF
Short-Term Running Goals:
Enjoy running, stay fit (and maybe lose a few pounds). Play ultimate frisbee.
4 year coach of Langston Middle School- love it
Long-Term Running Goals:
Unretire at some point
Run a sub-6 hr 50 miler
Win a 100 mile ultramarathon
I have five cute kids. And I have some rockin short green racing shorts- I wear them mainly because it embarrasses my wife so much. I like ultimate frisbee, trail running, reading, and cheering for the Denver Broncos! And I have the absolute best wife in the world. And I used to run for the now-disbanded national Team Pearl Izumi- Ultra!
AM- Med workout in the breezy rain with Jason, Dan, and Jim. About 4 warmup, then tempo. First mile was 6:17 (ease into it), then chasing Jim got me a 5:54 and 5:49. I didn't want to go sub-6 even though the pace felt ok, so backed off. 6:04, 6:08, 6:03, 6:03, 6:01. 12 miles total.
Lunch- 6 by my lonesome. Nobody here does doubles.
Supposed to have the GE 6k race this weekend. We got bumped by the park last week due to schedule conflict. So the RD found a new park... and they also discovered they had to bump us last night. Poor RD- it's her first time being RD, too. Race is cancelled, or at least delayed for a while.
PM- 13.5 with Barry at PM. Only a few PM runs left till the park closes earlier due to daylight savings. Found a new trail today. Pretty dang sore and tired by the end. 2:09 or so.
AM- 5+3. My ultra friends would say I should run 33 miles today. However, I have neither the time nor the inclination to do so. Plus it really doesn't fit in my training plan. Still a great day, nonetheless. Thanks for the well-wishes.
AM- 6. Then spent the whole day with the family, much of it in the Blue Ridge Mtns looking at the nice autumn colors. Even ran with my daughters on the Shut In Ridge trail, too.