Recovery is going about as well as could be expected. A massage Monday night helped a ton. I have some distinct pain still in my right arch, calf, and knee, plus a bit of residual soreness in my quads, hips, and shoulders/neck. But not too bad. I'm taking this whole week off, then may do some cross training next week and start running again the week after. Coming back easy. Splits were posted today for all runners. It's interesting to me to see how many seemingly-strong runners that I spent some time with ended up DNF'ing. Just shows you how fickle these races are. And it's snowing right now in Texas- we sure got lucky with the weather. The splits show I was in 34th place after lap 1, then 37th after lap 2, 34th, 30th, and 28th at the finish. But, almost all of my place improvement is due to people ahead of me DNF-ing rather than me passing people. I am debating if I want to do another 100 before the Bear in Sept. Primarily, I am deciding between the Grand Mesa 50 or 100 on July 24. For all you experienced ultrarunners out there, is 2 months enough time to COMPLETELY recover from a 100, or should I be safe and run the 50?