I'm retired from racing. Really.

St. George Marathon

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Member Since:

Feb 24, 2007



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

I also maintain a blogspot running blog. Check it out. 

5k- 16:01, 1/2 marathon- 1:11:37, marathon- 2:34:16, 50k- 3:58, 100 mile- 15:19

Former World Record holder in 100 x 5k relay 

Ultra history:

8-100 mile, 1-100k, 9-50 mile, 2-40 mile, 14-50k-ish

12 wins, 5 CR's, plus four 2nd, five 3rd, 4th, 4th, 5th, 5th, 9th, 16th, 20th, 28th, 38th, and 62nd place, with 1 DNF 

Short-Term Running Goals:


Enjoy running, stay fit (and maybe lose a few pounds). Play ultimate frisbee.

4 year coach of Langston Middle School- love it

Long-Term Running Goals:

Unretire at some point

Run a sub-6 hr 50 miler

Win a 100 mile ultramarathon


I have five cute kids. And I have some rockin short green racing shorts- I wear them mainly because it embarrasses my wife so much. I like ultimate frisbee, trail running, reading, and cheering for the Denver Broncos!   And I have the absolute best wife in the world.  And I used to run for the now-disbanded national Team Pearl Izumi- Ultra!

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 14.00 Year: 119.50
Fastwitch Lifetime Miles: 82.50
Trail M2 Lime/black Lifetime Miles: 299.00
Road N2 Purple 2 Lifetime Miles: 222.50
Road N2 4 Grey Lifetime Miles: 109.00
Road N2 Purple 3 Lifetime Miles: 2.00
Race: St. George Marathon (26.2 Miles) 02:40:58, Place overall: 19, Place in age division: 6
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Well, I guess everyone needs a bad race every now and then. Today was definitely mine, and probably the only one this year other than my Winter Series 1/2 marathon when I was sick. I've had a bunch of great races this year so can't complain too much. Lots of people struggled though a few pulled off great races.

Stayed near the starting line at Dustin's in-law's house- thanks Dustin. It was very windy all evening- I woke up at 2:30 am for a bathroom break and never fell asleep again due to the wind (plus some nerves). Did a warm up mile at 5 am and it was already raining. Got to the start at 6:15, did more warm up and a bathroom break. Chose not to wear my beanie but kept the gloves- singlet got soaked almost immediately. Temp was not too cold- probably 50 deg. Chilly when combined with the rain/wind. The race started into a strong headwind with a steady rain- my shoes were soaked within a few miles. I was with a big group of bloggers at the start but couldn't find Chad, whom I had intended to run the whole race. It ended up being a very costly mistake. Kory fell at the start and got trampled but hopped up- glad he didn't get hurt worse.

First mile was 6:00 pace, and I knew right away that time goals were out the window. It didn't feel near that slow. Walter and I stuck together through the bottom of Veyo- I kept trying to hook us up with a good pack to draft off but it was mainly single people- never provided much windbreak and served only to get extra water thrown on my shoes. The pace was much slower than it should have been but I didn't want to be alone already, especially with the wind. It was very steady. Met Greg Harris on the way up Veyo and we had a group of 4-5 headed up the hill, though we were strung out across the road and not helping each other much. I didn't want to break wind for the group and neither did anyone else- we gradually slowed down until eventually a huge FRB group caught us- Cody, James, etc. I felt fine this whole way- not tired, but the wind made going much faster very difficult. I tucked in behind them and it was SO MUCH easier for the next mile. So, up to mile 11 was stage 1 of the race- slow but fairly easy. Cody told me he never expected to see me at that point in the race and that I should quit lollygagging.

At mile 11 I decided that I had better pick up the pace if I was going to make anything of the race. I took off on my own and quickly built a lead on the group. The next 2 miles were 60 sec/mile faster than the previous ones- hit the half in about 1:21:15, a good 5-7 minutes slower than I wanted. Ugh- but I could still hope for a huge negative split, a PR, and maybe even sub-6:00 pace (2:37:12). I picked off 2 guys and felt real good till about mile 14, although I was definitely fighting the wind. Hit 14 with the huge downhill and found that the wind really picked up- I went all out and only hit a 5:40. The effort was more like a 5:15 pace, which should have been sub-5:00 on that downhill. I pushed on till mile 19 and the next moderate uphill. I glanced back and saw the FRB group strung out but not too far behind me, led by Walter and James. In other words, 8 miles of hard work only bought be about 30 seconds over Walter and James. I pushed up the hill and through mile 20- by this point I could barely manage 6:00 pace and knew 2:37 was gone. I even had to stop twice to try and pull up my soaking socks which were bunching up under my feet and slowing me down. Thus ends part 2 of the race.

For part 3, I decided to just finish the race and not kill myself. Once I hit 20 I was pretty tired. I didn't hit the wall, per se, but had spent my strength fighting the wind. I slowed up a bit so James and Walter could catch me and I could work with them- they finally caught me at mile 23. We ran thru 24 together, then James started pushing the pace. I didn't care anymore- he pulled away, then Walter started pulling away a bit. I finally turned the last corner and could see the finish but honestly didn't care, other than that it meant I could finally stop soon, get my clothes, and warm up. I jogged across the finish, not pushing at all, in 2:40:58. It was still good enough for 19th place, 6th in my age group.

Overall, I started way too slow but once I did, I didn't dare push off by myself going up Veyo. Then I choose a bad place to break off since the wind picked up and I was completely alone for 12 miles. I would have been better sticking with the group through 20, then making a hard push to at least PR.

It's a pretty disappointing result. I know I am in the best shape of my life and could run a sub-2:30, maybe even as fast as 2:27 in ideal conditions on this course (though I will admit that I don't think I had much more than low 2:30's in me today, even with no rain/wind). The wind and rain obviously ruined those plans right away, but I was still hoping for a good race. Instead, I made a few strategic mistakes that really hurt me by the end. Once any chance of an even decent race was gone, I really mailed it in and stopped pushing. Disappointing. The good news is that I am hardly sore and have no blisters, so should recover quickly. There is a lot less wear and tear on the body when you slow up at mile 20.

Some bloggers had great days- Joe was happy with his race, Andy was very happy, and lots of others.  Chad and Cody ran great, considering the weather.  Congrats to everyone for finishing in a very tough day. And to anyone who PR'ed today, you are the stud of the world!

Splits- for the record. 6:03, 5:57, 5:54, 5:51, 11:26, 5:46, 7:01, 6:50, 6:51, 6:51, 6:11, 5:50, 5:59, 5:40, 11:33, 5:51, 6:41, 6:41, 11:52, 6:01, 13:06, 5:26, 1:25

Tangent 2- 106

[Earlier quick report]


Well, I just took a shower and am going back for the awards. But I figured I would put a quick post for anyone out there looking for some results. Don't expect to see too many happy bloggers today. The weather was... horrible... for running. Strong head wind the WHOLE way that got increasingly worse as the race progressed. Rainy the whole time. I think the winning time was 2:22 for the guys, and then no one else till almost 2:30. I think just about everyone ran at least 6 and probably 10+ minutes slower than goal pace. Will put a real race report later, but that is the quick report.

Weight: 0.00
From Lucia on Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 13:46:22

Nice job in such tough conditions Jon, congratulations! Thank you so much for the news, get some good food and rest!

From marion on Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 14:18:19

Great finish! Seems as if Mother Nature had it in for the runner today :) Your time is awesome! :D

From Mom on Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 14:32:58

Have been following the weather since early this morning wondering how it was affecting you. Glad to read your blog. Congrats on a great finish in a tough race.

From kelsey on Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 14:38:48

Congrats on a great time in those nasty conditions! Head winds are the absolute worst.

From Sean on Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 16:13:55

Way to hang in there. I believe that is only the second time in the history of the race that it has rained. It sounds like the benefit of the downhill was largely lost to the wind and rain.

From tarzan on Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 18:13:21

Way to endure. Sounds like your time was good. The only time prior that it rained was 23 years ago! Tons of people dropping out and going in ambulances because of hypothermia.

What place did you take?

From marion on Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 18:15:41

What was the temp?

From josse on Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 18:34:42

It was freezing, but not sure on the temp. Miserable running!!

Good running Jon on a crazy day.

From Superfly on Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 19:11:51

Jon I was honestly expecting you to come in around 2:27 or faster. So for you around 13 min's slow due to the nasty wind.

From RivertonPaul on Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 22:04:42

At least it will be a good story down the line. Still, well done, considering.

From dave holt on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 01:46:01

Jon we should form a club for those that had to run most of the race by ourselves. Good job and way to go out and try to make something of the day.

From christi on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 10:01:05

Great job out there yesterday!! It was tough- you did AWESOME!!

From Tom on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 10:52:07

Nice job gutting it out to the finish. Probably a good day to be sick since with the weather conditions most everyone was off by anywhere from 5-20 minutes. This will certainly be one we all remember.

From Kim on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 11:25:28

I say it's better to have a bad race on a day that most everyone else is having a bad race too instead of having a bad race when EVERYONE else has a great race! But a bad race for you is still very amazing to the huge majority of the world's population! Great job! And thanks for the support to me!

From Mike Warren on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 12:30:44

Jon, very tough day. With the rain and head wind nothing wrong with your time. Theres no doubt you have that big time race in you. keep working hard and thanks for your comments.

From Paul Petersen on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 17:20:16

Bummer about the weather, but at least you're coming out of the racing feeling pretty good. Fortunately, you raced a lot this summer, so have a lot of other races to look back on with happier memories (including a few wins).

From Steve Hooper on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 20:16:12

Jon, Like I've been telling others - don't worry about your time. The conditions weren't in anyone's favor. Look at how much you've improved this year - it's been great.

From MichelleL on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 20:22:17

Sucks when a long training cycle doesn't give you the results you deserve. Good job describing the nasty conditions yesterday provided us. So are you thinking of doing a race in a couple of months to take advantage of the great shape you are in?

From Jon on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 21:14:42

Thanks for the support, everyone. Michelle, I was thinking about that all last night and today. I guess you are thinking the same. I'm looking up races right now.

From Andy on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 21:44:16

Having to fight the wind on your own must have been tough. You've got to be happy with a top 20 finish regardless of time.

From Chad on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 22:47:55

Crazy day, huh, Jon? It wasn't what any of us had in mind, but this kind of race does go a long way in giving you quality experience as a runner, learning to handle adverse conditions and whatever the day might throw at you. Great season, man.

From MarcieJ on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 22:50:51

Jon I felt the exact same about the race as you!I actually mentioned on mine as well that I was happy i had no blisters and I am not sore at all. Wait to push on and finish in the those horrible conditions. Hopefully we can all redeem ourselves soon. I opened up runners world today straight to an article called "bouncing back" and it totally remotivated me. BTW it was nice to meet you at the blog party!

From Predog on Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 00:27:59

Hey you did great for such crappy weather. Hope that you were satisfied and had fun anyway. And thanks for all the advice on pacing and stuff...it seems to have worked out pretty well.

From wheakory on Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 01:24:23

Jon good job in the tough conditions, and deciding to go out on your own and try to fight the wind.

I so much wanted to run with you (if I wouldn't have gotten trampled). It's really one of the reasons why I decided to come to run the marathon. I believe we could have taken turns drafting off each other. But my stomach brown code cost me too much time from you guys. You enjoy some time off you've had a good year.

From Dustin on Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 10:54:16

Jon, good job on the race. I feel like you just a bad day and bad race. I feel capable of running so much faster, but today was just one of those bad days. Hopefully, we can put this quickly behind us and find another marathon to redeem ourselves. It was nice having you stay up at the cabin.

From jtshad on Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 13:16:54

I know it was not the race you were hoping for, but you ran strong in the conditions and still did well. You just cannot account for the weather. You have had a great running year and will have many more to come, especially as king of the long trail runs!

From Dale on Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 17:51:56

Hey, you gave it a heck of a shot in the middle of the race and didn't back down in spite of the increased winds. Way to stick your neck out there. Also sounds like an excellent decision to mentally "pack it in" towards the end so you could fight for your goals another day. Pretty impressive that you could "lollygag" and still finish in the Top 20. Good work!

From cody on Tue, Oct 07, 2008 at 00:05:28

You were subconsiously saving it for the Ogden Valley 50 Miler. I bet you can get your revenge there. I will pace you "illegally" for 3-4 miles (will that help?).

From Greg on Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 01:05:46

Thanks for the help during the marathon. It was nice to run in a pack and get some support up the hills. Sub-2:30 next year

From Adam RW on Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 23:38:33

Jon, As you said they can't all be good ones. I'm hoping that what we learn in our disappointments only makes our successes that much more sweet.

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