AM Treadmill workout at Anytime Fitness in Columbus - 17 degrees outside today :( 1 mi. WU 6.2 mi. - 43:45 1 mi. rec. 6.2 mi. - 49:00 1.6 mi. CD Ouch! - this was tough today - the intent was to run 2 x 10k at MP The first one was okay, second rep - not so good. Oh well, it was the longest hard run I have had since the marathons last fall. The weight is looking good, the speed is almost there for about 5mi. - 10k, now to get the mileage up... The goal is MP - 6:45s, rec./easy runs - 8:00s Looks like I've got some work to do! Good job Nathan on doing this at the end of your 70 mi. week!