Long day today - woke early to get to work by 5:30a. around 9a the wife calls panicked - apparently Jude has a food allergy to yogurt. She had to call 911 since he swelled up and had hives all over his body popping up. They went on ambulance ride over to the ER and I raced from Seymour to Columbus in record time. I got there before they had given the poor little guy the "epi"... he looked awful :( Anyway, the 4 different shots they gave him took care of it and we aited it ou in the ped wing of the hospital. He's feeling pretty sick to the stomach from all the puking and the bout with 4 different drugs in his system.
much needed run tonight at the gym - PM - 7mi. on treadmill - 54:10. Threw in 4xhills at about LT at 6% incline.