I met up with Cheris, Peggy, Michelle, Angela, Dean, Chris and Whitney for our 20 mile run. This one felt tougher than the one two weeks ago. We did pretty much the same route with a little variation. Angela was great to listen to and dispense her wisdom on eating healthy and healthy lifestyles in general. My body held up better this week and that is always a good thing. We ended up with a few walking breaks and I gave in to one at the end with Peggy and Angela that I am a little disappointed in myself for when they were still going. I never stopped my watch so my pace includes a bathroom break, walking for gu's and a couple other 30 sec walks, I would think if we took the breaks out it would be more near 8:45 but we ended with 9:15. The count down to marathon day is on! Pink Mizuno 61.75 Happy Running!