I had lofty expectations for today. I had felt great on my last long run and was hoping for the same today, but as soon as we started I knew it would be different. I struggled getting going and finding my rhythm. We had to go early and because my daughter was in a softball tournament in Kaysville, I had to be a little creative to get it in. We ended up running down to Main street and then up Main, over to Pioneer Park and then up to Beck street into Bountiful and at that point I would meet my husband and then go to the games. Paula stuck with me until we got downtown and then her husband came and got her. After about 6 miles I alternated feeling great with feeling crappy. I made it to 15.5 miles and my husband came to pick me up. We headed to the ballfields and I finished up to 18 for the day running around the park while I watched the game. Most of the run was flat or up hill, there were only a couple of down hill sections - one at mile 5 and then two short sections on Beck street. So while I felt crappy off and on, I know that I ran a tough route and my pace was much better than two weeks ago. At this point I am not quite sure what I am going to do regarding Top of Utah. I was really hoping to feel great and know that I would be okay and today has created more doubt in my mind. On the positive - I just went back and looked at my training and this is my highest mileage week ever - YEAH!!! Ave Pace 9:10 Happy Running! |