Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured

Heart of Holladay 5K

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Glen Rose,TX,USA

Member Since:

Nov 26, 2007



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

SGM 2009 3:29:18

HobbleCreek 2009  1:39:23

FWRC 15 K 2011 1:15:32

DesNews 10K 2009 44:19

Fireman's Fund 5K 2012  21:41

5 Marathons, including Boston 2009

Short-Term Running Goals:

Have fun and enjoy running.  Work on my fear of racing and learn to enjoy this "season of chaos" that is currently my life.


Long-Term Running Goals:

Continue running and living an active life



"If you take care of the little things, the big things take care of themselves." - Bill Jacobsen

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Purple Mizuno Lifetime Miles: 315.03
Raspberry Mizuno 18 Lifetime Miles: 105.90
Race: Heart of Holladay 5K (3.1 Miles) 00:24:39, Place overall: 111, Place in age division: 5
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran Heart of Holladay 5K. It is tough route with even tougher competition. I was really nervous going into the race and not sure what to expect. Chatted a bit with Kim and Tom and their family and of course rode over with Paula and her family. We warmed up for half a mile - not much of a warm up but a little antsy and unable to do more that worry about the race and the hill at 2.5.

We started and as soon and at about .15 into the race I was behind Paula, Kim and Brent... I was struggled to get in rhythm. Got going finally about the one mile mark and they called my split at 7:58 - at this point I thought I was really in trouble and would be around 26:00. I started going through all the reasons I am struggling - injured for two months with not consistent if any training; in India for two weeks with out being able to run; lack of sleep this week; poor diet. Some under my control, some not. It is a difficult thing to come to terms that poor performance is completely related to items completely in my control. We came around to the up hill section at 2.5 and I knowing that I can usually run hills pretty tough I dug in. By the time I reached the top my legs were feeling it the last section to the finish went by much faster than I thought and by the time I reached the finish and saw my time I was actually pretty happy with how things went. It would have been a pre-blog PR so even though my training has suffered, I would have never run a route like this even close to this time pre-blog.  So a big THANK  YOU to everyone for all your support and help because you are big part of  todays run. 

Chatted afterwards with Kim, Tom, Brent, Sylvia, Sasha & Sara and their cute family, Steve A and hung out for the awards.  My teenage neighbor had come with us and he finished around 18:00.  He just started running a year ago and is doing great.   

 A gigantic congratulations to Kim for winning the SGM spot!  She is the most deserving and I only wish I had video to post so everyone could share in her excitement - Watching her win was probably the best part of the day. 

Happy Running!

From Tom on Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 13:48:37

Jody big congrats on your race today, you did GREAT! Doesn't look like all the setbacks you've had the last while have affected you much. More good things to come I'm sure.

Hey thanks for your kind words towards Kim and for being such a great cheerleader for her today even though you have also been trying to get in to SGM. You are definitely deserving to get in as well and I hope there is a way it can work out for you.

From josse on Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 15:26:59

Don't let yourself think that way in a race. Negitive thinking only slows you down. When I start thinking this way I say to myself in song I can can can, I can can can (its a song so it has a good beat as well). You did great considering you set backs. not far off your pr.

From MarcieJ on Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 17:03:36

Wait to go Jod! You really did awesome and especially with all you have been through. Wait to work it on a tough course!

From Lybi on Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 17:47:49

Great job Jody! This is a tough course and you have had some setbacks recently. I am impressed at your time AND your wonderful attitude about the St. George ticket. You are a wonderful chica!

From Christi on Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 19:10:06

Congrats Jody! That's a great time on a tough course! Fun day with the FRB! I'm happy for Kim, I know she really wanted the SGM spot. Remind me- are you doing SGM too? If you want me to be on the lookup for a spot, I will...

From Brent on Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 19:23:14

Jody, you only chicked me because your hair wasn't purple. Very nice race on a tough course. 100 commando points for chicking me and good come back to more running. Very nice to see you and Paula again. Fun day at the races.

Stay Kool, no sand, B of BS Rools out

From Michael on Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 20:35:34

Way to run Jody. You may have had alot of reasons to have been struggling, but 24:39 is a great time. Me and my son Alexander (Falcon) ran the race. Good luck in your future running

From Kim on Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 21:59:32


What can I say? You are awesome! Thank you so much for your support today! I wish I could have hung with you all the way to the finish line! If I would have I would have been 3rd in my age. The girl who beat me only beat me by 12 darn seconds! Thanks again for everything!

From crumpyb1 on Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 23:46:00

Congratulations on a successful race!

From Jody on Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 23:59:03

Thanks all for the kind thoughts! It is so great to have the support of so many when it is race day!

Christi - I did not get into SGM and am still looking for a spot if possible. Please let me know if you hear of anything.

From Christi on Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 00:40:47

'kay Jody- I'll keep my ears open. Last year a couple spots came open that were never claimed. I had a friend trying to give her spot away with no takers! I hope it will be the same this year for you. I'll let you know if I have any luck. I probably won't know until last minute though. I would also suggest calling SG City in Sept. and pleading your case. Make sure you mention that your mom is a resident and you grew up here. I also know a couple locals that have gotten in by going to the City Rec Office in Sept after some people have cancelled and just picked up open spots. Where there's a will there's a way- right?!

From linda10k on Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 01:37:10

Hey Jody, You did great on your 5k. Why to stick it out. I'm glad you didn't let your negative thoughts get you down. Mental training, I think, is as important as physical. You are AWESOME!

Have a great weekend.

From Cheryl on Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 01:57:52

Jody, congratulations, you did great! That's a tough course so I think you should be very happy with your time.

From James on Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 02:41:30

Good job today on your race!

From MarcieJ on Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 10:54:12

Regarding SG Marathon, dont take a someones spot when you cant run under your own name, you will be upset when you dont get credit for the race. I have had friends run under someone elses name and run a great race and have no credit for it. I would only take a spot where you can run under your own name.

From Jody on Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 11:53:14

Marcie - I would only run it under my own name. I have no interest in running under someone else. I have had Jay contact the director who is one of his friends but I am on the list like everyone else. If a spot came open that I could run as myself then I am interested, if not I am planning on TOU and I am okay with that.

From luzylew on Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 14:04:37

I love that you 'dug in' to that hill. I'm going to think of that next time I've got a hill to run up. Awesome. Way to go for the #5 spot!

From walter on Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 19:39:46

good run jody! dont get down on yourself, you will be in top shape sooner than you expect.

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