AM - 15 miles up to work. Had to give it an honest effort in the last mile once I realized what time it was and that I had a meeting at 8am. Scrambled into the building, took a super-quick shower (good thing I don't have to dry my hair)... and none of the MDs showed up for the meeting... FRIDAY!!! My parents are driving up from Arizona today and my aunt/uncle are on their way here from California. They'll all be here for the next week... they rented a place in the Heber Valley... so we'll be spending some time up in the Uintas, etc. I'm headed out that way this afternoon until Wednesday. Really looking forward to some time in cool air and cold water! PM - 7.3 miles home I got my bloodwork done yesterday (follow up to the last time I did this back in January). Despite the increased workload (volume and intensity) I've put on my body, everything actually looks better. The big thing I was interested in was my iron level, and while they were very good to begin with, my ferritin is now over 100. Thyroid stuff was perfect, kidney function (another thing I worry about w/ the high mileage in hot weather) was also better than in January. So... I guess I'm doing OK. I figured as much, but its still nice to have some concrete numbers to back that up. (Reference ranges are from elite male marathon runners)