AM - 13 miles. First part w/ Andrea (who is looking smooth again!), then a bunch of loops around the horsepark, and finished w/ the Home Depot mile in 4:51. Definitely my fastest mile ever wearing capri pants (or as my girlfriend desperately wishes I would call them - "3/4 tights"). Feeling pumped up today after seeing so many friends run well yesterday at StG, then watching the last part of the Chicago webcast this morning. Two minute PR for Ritz is huge... if he can figure out the nutritional aspect of the marathon and not fall apart at the end, then I can too! Watching Kebede jump around while waving to the crowd just minutes after running a 2:04 and shattering the course record was pretty funny. Simply amazing what the top guys can do. PM - 4 miles easy. Achieved my goal of running less than 100 miles (98) for the 5th straight week. Its going to be a challenge, but I'm going to try and keep this streak going.