AM - 14.4 miles. Planned to meet a friend from work for an Emigration Canyon run, but he had to bail at the last minute, so I ran from the HCI to Wasatch Drive and did an out & back. My legs were a little tired this morning, so when I felt how strong the wind was blowing out of Emigration Canyon, I wanted no part of that battle and just ran on Wasatch instead. Here's some morning stoke - Women's 1500m final. I don't want to spoil it and say who won, but the look on her face when she crossed the line was priceless. And an excellent post-race interview. PM - 7.2 miles. We got kicked out of work at 3pm today because of the football game, so I met Andrea at Liberty Park. We did 5 laps on the woodchips, which felt great on my legs.