AM - 8.3 miles. Usual warmup, 5 mile tempo in 25:59 (5:12/mile). Splits - 5:17, 5:15, 5:14, 5:10, 5:03. Ran home for the cooldown. Checked my email when I got back and saw that Andrea ran an awesome tempo run this morning, so that got me pretty excited for her. PM - 8 miles around SHP on the grass. Originally the plan was to do some faster stuff this afternoon, and Kevin (Redd) was going to join me at the track. But the forecast for the weekend is not looking great (hurricane wind, again!), so I decided to move Saturday morning's planned workout to Friday afternoon, and therefore could only run easy this afternoon. Two workouts in one day is a good training stimulus, 3 workouts in 2 days is stupid. Kevin was cool w/ the change of plans so we just ran loops around the perimeter of the park.