AM - 10 miles. 10K Tempo in 32:23 (5:13/mile avg). Splits - 5:14, 5:24, 5:15, 5:09, 5:14, 5:06, 1:01. Another deposit in the workout bank. I started re-reading Once a Runner (for the 20th time) over the past two nights... that book makes it really easy to get in the right mindset for harder efforts... in fact it makes it fun! PM - 9.5 miles. So, maybe one workout a day is fun, but I have to admit that getting mentally prepared for #2 is a little more difficult. But such decisions were made long ago, when I decided to run a spring marathon, right? Anyways - warmed up by running 3 miles around SHP then went down to the track. 3 x 1600m in 4:54, 4:56, 4:55 (400m jog), then 8 x 200m in 33.0 avg (200m jog). I was thinking of doing another 1600 rep, but then thought about how I commended Melody and Rachelle for knowing when to pull the plug on their workouts today, and figured maybe I should take my own advice :-) Without Andrea around, it takes more effort to come to such logical conclusions. In any case, a good workout... I got what I wanted out of it - some LT miles and some turnover work - and I stopped while I was still at a point where I was feeling good.