AM - 4.4 miles. Ran the horsepark loop w/ Andrea, then did six quick strides. We'll do our pre-race 200m reps tonight. I feel strangely relaxed this morning... maybe even calm. I've had highs and lows this week as I mentally prepare for the race on Sunday (as everyone does)... but now I feel balanced, I've visualized what is going to happen a thousand times, and physically I am as ready as I can be. PM - 2.5 miles. 8 x 200m on the track in ~35 seconds w/ 200m float in between. We went to Granite High (since there are HS football games at the tracks we usually use)... an old 4 lane track with super tight turns and extra long straightaways. Oh, and I quit Diet Mountain Dew about 3 weeks ago. Maybe the lack of caffeine is why I feel calm :-) Here's a blog post on my history with diet dew.