AM - 12 miles. Pyramid workout on the track: 2-4-8-12-16-12-8-4-2. Splits were 35, 71, 2:25, 3:44, 5:00, 3:45, 2:26, 70, 33. My legs didn't quite have that "snap" this morning... I felt like I could run 75s all day, but didn't have the turnover to go much quicker. Rather than force the pace, I just kept the effort level consistent. No point in pushing workouts too hard... they are all just building blocks. I should note that the cheerleaders were out in full force again this morning. They start practice at 6am! Today they ran a mile and did jump rope... which as you can imagine made running on the track like running through a war zone! PM - 8 miles on Wasatch Blvd, from the Dan's Supermarket to the 6200S Park & Ride and back. Nice run. Haven't done that one in a while.