It was very warm (78) and very humid this morning. As usual I started off easy and gradually picked up the pace. I had some stiffening and pain in the hip during the first mile but it went away and felt fine the rest of the way. Nothing special about this run. I am just trying to get in the miles and get back in shape. I feel pretty sluggish in most of my runs but figure it will take about a month of solid running to get back to where I feel like I can get into the serious training again. I won't to be careful on introducing speedwork back into my training. Another thing that I need to work on is my diet. I have picked up 7 lbs during since Boston. Partly due to decrease in mileage but also not been eating the best. I would like to get back to my normal weight over the next couple of months. Just hope I can continue to build up the miles and stay free from injury. 63:55 (8:00 avg)