7 miles / 57:54 / 8:16 avg. 9:45 AM, Sun, temps in the high 60's. From work. After a warm up mile (9:16), I determined I was feeling good and thought maybe doing some intervals, but it felt good to just keep a steady pace. So I tried to avoid hills and keep a good pace going for the remainder of the run. Splits for mile 2-7: 8:30, 7:47, 7:54, 8:05, 8:09, 8:11. By the way. You've heard of restless leg syndrome. Well, I've got restless upper body syndrome. Has anyone ever experienced this. It like an unquenchable tingling/tickling sensation in my shoulder and upper back. It's extremely uncomfortable. It started 4 or 5 days ago and seems to be increasing in frequency/intensity. Someone recommended more iron in my diet. Any one have any thoughts or suggestions?