Track workout. My first non-Garmin workout! Got myself a little Timex. Very exciting I know, as you can tell from the number of significant digits below. 6 x 800m with 400 meter jogs (2:00-2:30, about 2:19 average for the recoveries). 3 mile warmup, with 1 x 400 @ about 6:00 minute pace to make sure I didn't smoke the first repeat, then into the workout.
2:52.7, 2:55.63, 2:56.77 (ran into lane 3 and 4 around some footballers), 2:51.18, 2:52.99, 2:49.40 (2:53.11 average). Walked and got some water. Then started a fast 400, but I bailed at 200. I think. It was 35 seconds, but I'm track illiterate :-)
I was kind of tired going into it, but I'm satisfied with the workout. It was warm, but dry so it was actually kind of perfect. 3 mile cool down.