AM: Rutgers Unite Half Marathon in 1:20:05
I didn't deserve to run much faster but I was somewhat suprised by the lack of sub-6:00 miles given that workouts, although not great, have been solidly in the 5:5X range. Part of the problem today was a lack of a proper warmup. These days I don't run fewer than two miles before a half. Today I got in a 5 minutes. Driving to New Jersey, the shuttle, etc.
Started out fine, but felt very flat. Breathing was up and it took me a while to settle and I really didn't want to run after 2-3 miles. About 5-6 miles in a felt better and my breathing settled, but I lacked turnover. I ran behind a guy who increasingly was having a hard time. I could feel my legs waking up but still no real snap. I got passed around mile 9, but spent the final 5k reeling him back in and kicked from behind just before the 13 mile marker and handily beat himw with a 32.5 second partial (with a little bit of performance enhancing downhill).
The course was okay, aside from 3 180-degree turns and some really rough pavement.
Slowest half marathon in 2 years, but I'm fine with today. I'm going to keep pressing on.
The rich chocolatey goodness: 5:58, 6:04, 12:10 (missed), 6:04, 6:01, 6:10, 6:12, 6:04, 6:21 (not sure. bridge?), 6:07, 6:09, 6:05, 32.5 seconds (decent downhill)
Megan told me a guy ran about 4:50 pace for roughly the first 5 miles or 10k. Turns out he ran 10 miles in 46:42 or 4:40 pace. He's 45, so I'm guessing he cheated and still didn't win, running 1:27 something. Or maybe he had a funky chip. But I am guessing something is rotten in the state of New Jersey. On closer thought, he may have been the guy in the wheel chair but he has no 10k time.
3 mile cool down. Felt a little loopy.
PM: Likely no shakeout