PM: 16.4 miles, averaged 7:51. HR 161.
60’ Aerobic Threshold Tempo + 6 x 45” Strides
Weather was light rain and 70. Drove to Stony Creek High School to do the Hanson Brooks 16-mile loop, which is actually a good chunk of the Thursday night gravel ride.
The roads were a mess in places. I slipped, squished, slid. The hills, though nothing like out west, were challenging, especially where it was like thick sand. I averaged about sub-7 but most splits where 6:57-6:42. I had some low 7s on the back half as there were some real grinders. I’ve lost all hill strength because everything I run is so flat. I tied up the last 3’ or so, but did my 5’ jog and then the 45” strides, which felt good.
30’ up/20’ down
Waiting for the pace to come down on these, which they will.