Chestnut Hill - 13 miles, averaged 8:35
I hesitate to call this hilly (it is) but everything in the neighborhood is. Did some recon, found one of the tracks, got lost and very dehydrated and tired. Walked a good bit back. Pretty out of it when I got home.
Lower 80s 39% humidity and dew point in the mid 40s very weird, but extremely pleasant.
PM: Just got my computer set up and my Garmin data in. Garmin claims 750 of gain. Garmins are the worst at elevation but I am guessing that is pretty close. I found the Cheltenham Cemetery, which is ~2.5 away and it is ~2+ miles around the outside. Tempo, tempo, baby. Also recovery runs when I need some flats. I'll check the trails to see how good the markers are for intervals, otherwise I will use the cemetery and one of the tracks.