AM: Springside Track - 10.5 miles total w/ 4 x 1600 (400 recovery jogs), 2:30 rest, 2 x 400 hard w/ 90 seconds rest
Sunny, around 70 or so with 85-90 humidity. The foutains are working at the track now though. Warmed up ~28 minutes, mostly on the track
6:17, 6:11, 6:07, 6:07 (converted to mile pace); 75.6, 78
I purposely started very conservatively and let the pace drop as I got warmed up. I should have done the full set of 6 but I have been very gun shy with workouts lately and have lost a lot of confidence. I was feeling pretty good. Not great, but more relaxed than I have been. Wore my Timex to keep from surging. First 200 of the first 400 was fast and my legs were done, then the second 400 was too slow, but I like how I have mixed harder short intervals at the end of longer ones this season. All in all, not bad.
PM: Treadmill - 5 miles in 38:30. Did a set of weights.