AM: Flourtown Tempo Loop - 14.5 miles, averaged 7:14
6-mile aerobic tempo in 38:10 (6:22 avg.)
6:20, 6:22, 6:22, 6:19: 6:24, 6:23
3 minute recovery jog
2 x 1 mile w/ 2 minute recovery jogs
5:45, 5:52
Weight was down this morning so I knew I was dehydrated. I can usually just pull through but today was a struggle with my cold slightly lingering. It was hard to run 6:20 pace today and I almost pulled it. I was going to continue to 8 and finiah that way but I decided to jog after 6 and try to finish the workout as planned, which was 6 tempo then 3 x 1 mile.
I was breathing a bit too much after the 6 miles, but the first mile repeat was pretty good considering I wasn't able to get my tempo miles down to <6:15 as I wanted. The second repeat was harder. I decided I had had enough for the day and it is time to focus on rest and hydration before the final big workout on Saturday, which will likely be a 10 + 10 shooting for 6:15 pace or faster for the second 10 miles.
PM: 4.25 miles.