2 mile warmup. 8 mile tempo @ MGP down 18th street, Veteran's Memorial Parkway, and Route 231. 2 mile cool down with a bit of walking after. According to my Garmin the route was a good net downhill, but mile 5 was the only mile that felt really downhill (only 35 feet?!). The rest felt only slight so, but I guess mile 8 was 110 feet of drop. 7:09, 7:17, 7:02, 7:06, 6:57, 7:09, 7:11 (56:50; 7:06 average) 7:03 is still going to be extremely difficult over 26.2 miles, so I'll have to see what the next 2+ months of workouts and races give me to consider. 3:10 seems silly given that it's 5 minutes (huge in the big picture). 3:15 is probably more sensible, but time will tell.