PM: 13.4 miles, averaged 7:29. HR 156.
40' Aerobic Builder
6:46, 6:39, 6:34, 6:32, 6:33, 6:22 (6:35 avg)
Pretty much the same exact splits as last week but slightly higher effort (~172 HR), as the conditions were some of the worst cold weather conditions I have had in if not ever, then at least in a long time. 33 degrees and raining, which left a good bit of unfirm ice, water, and slush. It was slippery, but workable and mostly an issue on the turns. I was going to run in a pair of screw shoe flats, but I couldn't find the other shoe and my Nano Spikes haven't been tested for faster running.
Weight slowly dropping. Down about 1.4 average or so this week from last week.