AM: Thursday mornings are the best this semester! we have whats termed "independent study" from 8-12 on thursday morning, aka: My training tempo days!and....aka free time! So I am going to bust out long tempo/mid week long runs on this day. Pretty pumped about getting most of, if not all of my daily miles in before 10:30-11 on this morning, plus I get to sleep in a little extra. Wish is nice and much needed to catch up on sleep. I should attempt studying during this time. So I got up and ran 14 mixed in with 11 around 67-68 mins, plus 5 of those miles were at 5:44 pace, nothing to brag about but havent increased the tempo much at all lately, so I will count it as something. Then took Jax for a 3 mile cool down around OC, which wasnt much of a cool down since its already 80 degrees and like 100% humidity already. Oh well what can you do, its Oklahoma! PM: 4 more with Katie and matthew. Meet Chisolm a mile into the run, ran with him for the other 3. Legs feeling the need for the shakeout. |