later evening run tonight after the sun had gone down, pretty cool evening, in the low 40s, kind of weird because i ran a new course tonight and just guessed where I thought 6.5 was and i measaured it out to 6.55 which makes my week an even 63 miles. On another note, 63 miles in a 6 day week is a personal best for me, my all time record for weekly mileage is 64, but that was in a week where i ran all 7 days, this week would have easily been 70+ if i ran a 7 day week, regardless, i'll take the PR for a 6 day weekly mileage run. tonight's mileage was slow, aound 7:25-7:30 pace, just recovery run, did 8 strides after, starting a precipitous taper as my marathon is 2 weeks from tomorrow