AM - 7 Lutheran/AC. Threw out our new plan for team morning practice for those who are still running - headed down to FootLocker. So I ran Lutheran first (in reverse) and then AC with some parking lot laps in there while I waited for them. It was a bit cooler this morning. (Landreth blue 1006.75)
afternoon - 3xXC Mile. Warmed up for 3 and then did 1.5 at Tinman while the team did their first mile. Then I joined them for their 2nd and did the other two on my own. The watch was hitting the miles a bit early, so I am going to real wheel the loop to give it a double check. I'll use the splits from the watch because I can't remember the times off the watch - 5:07, :13, :16. The times off the loop would have added about 10 seconds each time. Although this is a harder mile than the Dirt (because of this stupid little hill that you hit twice that just about kills me), I just didn't feel as strong today as last week. (Hyper Speed 2 366.5)