AM - 15 Fields tempo. Took Twix out for a few - she was sick last night and I didn't know if she would want to run. But she's a runner. Waited for James for a few minutes, but didn't see any signs of movement at this house, so I set out. Today I thought I might break up the tempo into two 4 mile segments hoping to get a better finish. Went 5:47, :42, :39, :47 then a .5 mile 4 minute break and :51, :57, :57, :57. I don't know about any of this anymore. It was just as hard to get going again as anything else. To pull from the Mormon lexicon, I guess you could say I am getting "trunky" and just kind of packing it in. The sooner this race is over the sooner I can get healthy and get back to running just 'cause I love it again. I really wish I could go out better... But it is what it is. #STS. On another note; those who know, and love my purple shorts - I hate to inform you that the elastic has died (today's run was marred by many near moonings) and they will be trashed. A very sad day inded. #GTG (Pace blue 15)