AM - 25.75 State St/SugarHouse. Couldn't get to sleep well, and was up early (and didn't get a nap on the bus home either, so I'll be spent later) so I just decided to go out earlier than planned and get more mileage in. Didn't want to go up any hills, so an East/West route was out of the question. So just decided to head down State St. Pretty boring, but it was actually fine; and the only people on the road were me, some cops, and the crazies. Averaged 6:45 out for 9 and 6:35 back. So just a good even effort. Got back to the hotel and we got on the bus up to the State course. Saw Rob for a minute and headed out. We ran the course to get a feel for the new finish. Then ran it again with some fartleks - which allowed me to coach from behind the pack (a nice way of saying I am not fast enough and was too tired to keep up). Then a little in reverse to finish our workout for 7.75 more for the morning. Long and tiring running, but glad I got in a good long run. I will be very happy when the marathon is over and I can heal up my rotten achilles - they are both so trashed. (Peg Black 326.25) Another decent week. Goals for next week: survive! Just a few weeks left. |