morning - 20.25 SGM course. Ran the first Steve and Bill and they kept me honest and moving for the first 10.05. We averaged a solid 7:15 for this section. Hit a water break and then planned on trying a little tempo. I wasn't sure where I would be at - maybe 6:30 or so. But Steve pulled me along and we average right at 6:00 for pretty much the whole 10, except the winchester hill (which actually split on to two miles) where I felt like I needed to sit back or I might not make it. Lungs were pretty good; they started to close off a bit toward the end. Now I am just really needing the legs to come around. This felt like one of the hardest workouts I have ever done just because it was so tough to just keep the legs moving at this pace - but it is coming around. Finished with a .2 cool to the store. (Landreth 48.3)