AM - 15.1 Big Workout #5 warm up, 7 MP, cool down. Somehow I slept through the alarm this morning. I woke up to a strange dream and thought, "No big deal. The alarm should be going off any minute anyway." So I rolled over and saw that the clock said 4:45! I grabbed it and saw that it was set right, I just somehow slept in 45 minutes. So I totally missed the Circle of Trust. Sorry guys, I hope you didn't wait too long for me. I couldn't believe it. So I just went out to the fields and decided to shorten my warm up and cool down to 3.5 each. Then I got into the MP and it went pretty well. About 1/2 right on and 1/2 just a few seconds slow (with a 15 second slow 6th) - that's where good workout partners come in, you all just feed off each other and pull each other and don't have those slips, hopefully. Snagged another mile in the cool down and had to cut it at that. (Landreth black131.3) afternoon - 5.15 up to on Foremaster with a few different groups of kids and then the Car Wash Trail. (Stratus red 535.05)