Will add official time and place when I get them. Today was a fun day and about what I was hoping for. Namely, Enjoy it, run hard enough to really enjoy a scheduled 90 minute post race massage, feel better than last year at the finish, have no serious leg issues (which have been plaguing me lately), enjoy the stew, and beat the snot out of my brother. Accomplished all of the above except brother Oreo ended up kicking my trash with a fine run. I only saw him at the start and with about 3 miles to go, but couldnt catch up, in fact he just kept getting farther into the distance. I guess nature is back in its natural order of things. Also, was able to see older brother in for his first antelope experience. Was hoping to beat last years time, but was 3 minutes slower. The mud this year was part of this, but after reviewing my splits from last and this year I was only faster this year in 3 of the 16 miles and slightly slower in the rest. This I think was due to not always aggressively passing or trying to pass the trains of runners that I was sometimes behind, which is actually great that more people are out doing this, and being generally more conservative with the downhills to avoid the leg issue. Just have to focus and nut up I guess. Also, currently I have a mindset of no injury and slow build to be able to finish Squaw 50 this summer. I love this course and the general environment though...good times, good times. Nice job to all the more powerful and adventurous bloggers on their fine races... feeling a bit wimpy here only doing the 25, but what do you expect from a coffin boy as another brother might say.