am: 3
pm: 3 mile warm up, felt good, then started the race 10 min laters (no stride outs). course was two 1200 loops then one 800 loop. started the race and i took off. first 1200 loop split as i remember was around 3:42.
i knew i could get the course record which was 10:12. second loop was a bit slower at 7:40 (3:58), i knew i had started our way to fast with splits as wild as that but i still knew i was close. coming around the hill the third time i got to the top and started my acceleration, went around on the sharp turn at the rock, slowing down a bit, then started sprinting again...anyway end of story i missed it by one second. just like how i missed the time trial#1 record by 1 second :) tough going but its the state course record i'm going for anyway so thats when it really matters.
mile average was 5:06 which was my murray average so i was happy with that cause it was about the same difficulty course and i was by myself... good day. now look forward to herriman! |