Did a shakeout with Mason, then walked some with the Ericksens. Later on I did 4 with Asa lol cool guy. We ran up a trail and randomly found Sage running up there too which was neat. Did around 2 with Ike from Dixie lol cool guy.
Even though I didn't get to run like I wanted to, state was an excellent time. Talked to Hellraiser a few times, he did well today. I talked to chesnut and Wasatch for about an hour, and they asked me to run on their Vegas Ragnar which was sick. Ended the day hanging with Zack and watching 4x400's. He killed it! Big S/O to him. I've been on this blog for 1 year + 5 days and after today I'm grateful for the friends I've made from it. Oh I also talked to Connor Baller for a bit.