So this is how my last two weeks have gone. I managed to somehow pull a muscle in my leg. So with much regret I decide to take 1-2 weeks off from running. I did how ever go to the YMCA and used the oliptical. At the end of the first week I felt great so I decied I would wait til Wednesday and do a couple of miles on the treadmill. First day 1.5 miles no issues. Before I was feeling pain right off. So the next day I did 3 on the treadmill and all was good. Then came Friday. My wife was sick and she got me sick. So I spent Friday night and Saturday morning throwing up and feeling like crap.
I woke up this morning and felt great. I was going to run outside today. It was 26 degrees windy and snowing. The thought crossed my mind to say in and start tomorrow. A lot of running is mind over matter so I bundled up and ran 8 miles in a field behind my kids school. 8 pain free miles. If everthing stays good then I will run this week at 8 miles on my normal days then get back to normal mileage next week and a week are two after that get back into som serious traing.