Really early run this morning. I started at five. I ran the temple loop sixteen miler and felt really good. It's rolly uphill the first half and rolling downhill the second half. I used the down on the way back to run a little more up tempo. 7:34, 7:16,7:19, 7:02, 7:02, 7:05, 7:12, 7:09, 7:17, 6:44, 6:36, 6:39, 6:39, 6:49, 6:10, 6:09 Last two at marathon pace. I feel so much stronger on long runs than I did during marathon training last year. I read some articles about Mary Cain winning the World Junior Championships gold. I love that I can be inspired by someone who is half my age (but twice as fast.). 6:55 average pace. I went to the gym to lift after eating breakfast. I'm ready to eat everything in tje house again and then sleep. |