This may have been my first twenty miler ever. It's a landmark! Of course, Bill had to pick a really hard course to initiate me on. We ran out in Magna, starting from the 10 mile mark at 8000W and 2700S. We ran to the 0 mark, and then turned around and ran back. Lots of uphill going out, and lots of downhill coming back. My total time was 2:18:22. I may have gone out a little conservative, because I didn't know what the course would be like, but I definitely came back hard. My first 10 miles were 1:15:40, and I closed in 1:02:42. I think my last four miles were all under six minutes. I felt pretty good considering my tempo run yesterday. I'm beginning to think I might actually make it through a marathon. How fast is the big question. |